It’s almost like they had a secret plan to dominate the world.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Cuomo thunderbolt and lightning
Cars break down en mass in Rangoon
Cars mysteriously break down in Burma. Suspected protest.
Facebook censors countries
The announcement comes in response to proposed new laws in Australia that would force tech companies to negotiate with media companies over how much to pay them for news content. Mark Zuckerberg has also been featured on a Project Veritas secret video expressing doubts about the Covid 19 mRNA vaccines that the company has forbidden …
De Blasio calls for ‘full accounting’ of Cuomo nursing home cover-up
It was him. Not me.
Mankind in the Iron Mask
An unholy alliance
A coalition between left wing activists and business titans. One wants your body and the other your soul. Can it endure? New at the Belmont Club
Covid “may never go away”
Experts have some news for those who thought bringing back the old order would change everything. “White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel and World Health Organization executive director of the Health Emergencies Program Dr. Mike Ryan have said in recent weeks that the coronavirus may never go away.”
Anal swabs as Chìna shows the way
Health authorities in China are testing residents for coronavirus – using anal swabs. Doctors claim the invasive procedure can be more effective in detecting the virus than nasal swabs.
Missing Link sought in coronavirus origin
WHO proposes the virus came to humans from bats through an unidentified species. But which?
“A conviction would have also set the stage for a vote to bar him from serving in public office again.” The outcome leaves the populist forces in the field and the old GOP party in the dust. Up next: the battle to define conservative politics as Biden faces a new world.
Was it suddenly or all along?
It’s abandon ship at the Lincoln Project. The worst lies are those we make up and come to believe ourselves.
Masked until further notice
The mutating virus is in an evolutionary race with politicians and public health authorities. How long did it take them to win the Cold War or War on Terror again?
Scoops missed by that much
Ben Shapiro expresses disappointment at all the bombshell scoops — Cuomo, Hunter Biden, the Lincoln Project — that the press just missed exposing presumably due to bad luck.
How long till we move on past the NY nursing home deaths?
The reason people hang on is they still have hope. Do you think hope will get you anywhere?
NY can admit deaths now the feds are different
As it would undermine their moral standing.
Don’t beg
Canceling people in Woke outrage is a big fad now. Often the canceled — their careers gone, exile affirmed — complain it isn’t fair. But fair’s got nothing to do with it. It isn’t reasonable to expect ‘fairness’, ‘reciprocity’ or ‘tolerance’ from left wing or Woke media outlets or platform. One cannot count on the …
WHO comes to the conclusion it agreed to reach
Probe ground rules stipulated in advance China would not be blamed. Imported frozen food or wildlife or undetected previous disease may be to blame.
We all mistakes, or so we once believed
“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain
“This is Sparta” but not in a good way, helot.
The rise of the global China class.