They expect to stay for a month but will start work immediately during their two-week quarantine, according to the WHO.

China has a lot riding on the long-awaited WHO probe — but so does Australia
The diplomatic defensiveness and tight control of research so far in China doesn’t bode well for hopes of a fully transparent investigation into the origins of the coronavirus, writes Bill Birtles.
WHO investigators have arrived in China for a COVID-19 origin probe. But they’re already downplaying expectations …
They will head straight to hotel quarantine for two weeks.
During that time, they’ll be continuing their work, holding more of the video calls with Chinese counterparts that they’ve already been doing from abroad.
The team then has roughly two weeks in Wuhan to visit hospitals, labs, wet markets and other relevant places before the trip is expected to wrap up ahead of Chinese New Year.

Two Members of W.H.O. Team on Trail of Virus Are Denied Entry to China
Beijing has repeatedly impeded the global inquiry into the emergence of the coronavirus. Two scientists on the team remained in Singapore after testing positive for antibodies.
The limits on WHO make “not proven” almost foregone.