What is probability the earth will cool in the coming years? The mainstream view is the chances are so negligible we can bet trillions on carbon reduction. But what if …
My own personal view is that we don’t know enough to literally bet the farm on it. The key feature of all these climate change solutions is they require total commitment. The therapeutic dose has to be global, massive and expensive or else it’s no good. Listen to Beto O’Rourke:
“Let us all be well aware that life will be a lot tougher for the generations that follow us, no matter what we do,” O’Rourke said. “It is only a matter of degrees. Along this current trajectory, there will be people who can no longer live in the cities they call home today. There is food grown in this country that will no longer prosper in these soils. There is going to be massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from places that are going to be uninhabitable or under the sea.”
Daily Wire
“This is the final chance,” O’Rourke continued. “The scientists are unanimous on this. We have no more than 12 years to take incredibly bold action on this crisis. My gratitude is to them for the young people who stepped up to offer such a bold proposal to meet such a grave challenge. They say we should do nothing less than marshal every resource in the country to meet that challenge, to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, to get to net zero emissions, which means not only must we emit less greenhouse gasses, we must plant things that absorb greenhouse gasses and carbon and invest in the technology to allow us to claim some that are in the air now. Can we make it? I don’t know. It’s up to every one of us. Do you want to make it? “
Of course O’Rourke might be right. But is he completely right? Right as to direction but not tempo or scale? Or is he wrong? Most of the climate change proposals are really about imposing taxes. It’s a tax scheme. In case nobody has noticed that is precisely what caused the unrest in France that simmers to this day. In case you think it’s just the French Australians are now realizing somebody’s got to pay real dollars and cents for “climate change” and it won’t be China.
WAFarmers chief executive Trevor Whittington said the policy signalled that “Australian farmers will be picking up a large part of the tab”.
“You don’t get to force the public to double the number of electric vehicles without loading up the taxes on four-wheel-drive utes,” he said.
“You can’t bury all the the carbon footprint from livestock into the soil without turning the paddock back into bush.
“We have yet to seen the hidden formulas but all indications are that the agricultural sector with our tractors and stock will be paying a carbon tax by the end of the decade.”
Australia is facing the strange situation where it’s power prices have gone through the roof yet the grid, which used to be rock solid, is becoming increasingly fragile.
A bungled transition from coal to clean energy has left resource-rich Australia with an unwanted crown: the highest power prices in the world.
New Yorkers pay half as much as Sydneysiders to keep the lights on, despite Australia boasting among the world’s largest coal and natural gas reserves, as well as ideal conditions for clean power generation. A decade of political dithering and climate policy missteps have set its patchwork power system adrift, ratcheting up manufacturing costs and hurting consumers with a doubling in electricity prices since last year and rising risks of blackouts.