New at the Belmont Club. A globe on the edge of either renewal or catastrophe.
What will Putin celebrate on May 9?
Social media at the crossroads
Led by the divines
Let me tell your fortune
Putin’s not a reader
Intelligence failure again
New at the Belmont Club. Both Putin and Biden are dealing with consequences they never expected.
It was a tale of two blunders. Both Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin made the mistake of believing that the Russian army could conquer Ukraine in two days. The New York Times wrote in perplexity, “In Afghanistan, intelligence agencies had predicted the government and its forces could hold on for at least six months after the U.S. withdrawal. In Ukraine, intelligence officials thought the Russian army would take Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, in two days. Both estimates proved wrong.”
The basics first
The end of illusion
The war in Ukraine becomes crisis in Russia
Fortunes of War
Putin vs Biden
Strange days
You can do it
Do you recall what was revealed?
Blitzkrieg predicted in Ukraine
Boris Johnson warns Russia has “60 … battle groups” (presumably battalion tactical groups) ready “for a lightning war that could take out Kiev”.
The gambler
Judging from the amount of prestige and resources Russia has poured into it, Putin seems committed to risk at least limited military action in the Ukraine. It could be a repeat of Putin’s earlier campaign of subversion or involve a conventional overt component.
America’s dilemma is to respond without escalating the military conflict while potentially turning Ukraine, to mix metaphors, into Putin’s Vietnam.
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