Danger close

Does Biden invade people’s personal space? The NYT writes:

We each reserve around us a zone of about 18 inches — “intimate space,” he called it — for close friends and family. “Personal space,” from 18 inches to about 4 feet, is open to acquaintances and colleagues. And “social space,” from 4 feet to 12 feet, is the appropriate orbit for strangers or new colleagues.

But what about zero inches?

The Indian Ocean and the Great Game

The rival empires are no longer Britain and Russia but the US and China. The Indian Ocean is where America can blockade China’s energy supplies from the Middle East.

Three major powers — which together account for nearly half of the global economy — are vying for influence in the Indian Ocean arena. India, China, and the United States each view the region through their own geostrategic frameworks, ensuring intense jostling at best or conflict at worst.

War on the Rocks

Good news, bad news

“First the bad news. It’s good news.”

“Oh hell! Is it bad good news or good bad news?”

Muller’s report is bad for ratings.

Does the collapse in ratings reflect a disenchantment with the MSM or is the malaise more generic. Institutional credibility is at an all time low. Perhaps people are not just sick of old media, they are simply sick of it all.

Cable news is now the friend of the old and lonely; for people who looking for something to hate or love. Rachel comforted but not for the reason she thought. For a while there was something to despise then even that was gone.

The Nazi version of the “Titanic”

In 1943 the Nazis made a movie version depicting the Titanic disaster. The plot makes it clear why Nazi stood for “national socialism”.

A proclamation to the stockholders of the White Star Line declares the value of their stock is falling. The president of the Line, J. Bruce Ismay (E.F. Fürbringer), promises to reveal a secret during the maiden voyage of the line’s new RMS Titanic that will change that. He alone knows she can break the speed record and receive the Blue Riband, and he believes this will raise the stock’s value.[3] Ismay and the board of the White Star Line plan to manipulate the stock by selling short their own stock in order to buy it back at a lower price just before the news about the ship’s record speed is revealed to the press.
On Titanic‘s maiden voyage in 1912,[4] First Officer Peterson (Hans Nielsen), who is German, begs the ship’s rich, snobbish and sleazy owners to slow the ship down, but they refuse, and Titanic hits an iceberg and sinks. The passengers in First Class act like cowards, while Peterson, his recently impoverished Russian aristocrat ex-lover Sigrid Olinsky (Sybille Schmitz), and other German passengers in steerage behave bravely and with dignity. Peterson manages to rescue many passengers, convinces Sigrid to get into a lifeboat, and saves a young girl, who was left to die in her cabin by her uncaring capitalist parents. In the ship’s final death throes, Peterson leaps from the deck with the little girl still in his arms, and is pulled aboard Sigrid’s lifeboat, where the two are reunited; the occupants then watch in horror as Titanic plunges beneath the waves.
At the British Inquiry into the disaster, Peterson testifies against Ismay, condemning his actions, but Ismay is cleared of all charges and the blame is placed squarely on the deceased Captain Smith‘s shoulders. An epilogue states that “the deaths of 1,500 people remain un-atoned, and eternal condemnation of Britain’s endless quest for profit.”

“I can no longer support our reckless PM and this watered-down Brexit”

Countdown to crisis

Sometimes you have to be a little crazy to succeed in history. Moving 6 inches in either direction doesn’t get you out of the path of events.

Committee men can trim the ship of state but they are incapable of reacting to radical developments.

Failure of imagination is related to unknown unknowns and black swan theory. Brexit was a Black Swan.

Iran killed 600 US troops in Iraq

What about those pallets of cash? State Department

The US has always been wary of potential escalation.  We know now that US pilots fought Russians all through the Korean War, but no one wanted to admit, for example, that one Naval aviator shot down Soviet 4 Mig-15s in his F9F Panther.

Williams would remain quiet about the event for 50 years while he flew with Air Force Korean War aces at the Fighter Weapons School at Nellis, and commanded Navy fighter squadrons through the Cold War and Vietnam. Following the end of the Cold War in 1992, the Russians revealed that Williams had indeed gotten four: Captain Belyakov, Captain Vandalov, Lieutenant Pakhomkin, and Lieutenant Tarshinov of the VVS-PVO, the Air Defense Forces.

F9F Panther as shown in the Bridges of Tokori

“If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

Nicolás Maduro’s constituent assembly removes protection from Guaido, opening the door for arrest of man backed by dozens of countries as interim leader. Guardian

As Russia opens military center. The center was inaugurated Thursday, the same day that President Donald Trump warned that “Russia has to get out of” Venezuela and “all options are open” in ensuring it does.