Things you ought to know

How to pronounce Ghislaine

According to a quick survey of videos of people introducing her, American and British pronunciations are roughly the same (Maxwell was the founder of an environmental nonprofit, a philanthropic job that often took her to conferences and TedTalks, and before the U.N.). These people, who I assume confirmed how to pronounce the name before saying it in front of others, say “Gee-lane,” with a hard g. For the second syllable, some hit the “–ane” pretty hard, as in “Gee-lane,” or “G’lane.” Others go with “-ahn,” as in “Gee-lahn”. It depends on regional accent (this guy sounds like he’s saying “Glen” when introducing her at a conference some years ago). But regardless of accent, the g is a hard one and the s is silent. “Gee-lane.”

Who is the state

Because this is a case of alleged collusion vs alleged coup neither side can claim the right to keep a secret.

Ordinarily one party represents the state in an investigation. But the question in this case is precisely who is the state? Because this is ultimately a political struggle there are precious few rules either side can hide behind. The Marquis of Queensbury has left the building. They have bet the farm, both of them.

So who leaked the off mic moment?

“In contract theory and economics, information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other. This asymmetry creates an imbalance of power in transactions.”

The job of the media is not to disseminate the news but to protect the information asymmetry of the ruling elite. What you are to be told is important. What you are not to be told is even more important.

Virtue signaling is a smokescreen for pure, cynical power grabbing.

Maybe Freddy vs Jason

Hollywood has conditioned us to believe that if there’s a bad guy in the story the other must be a good guy. But often real world conflicts are contests between bad guys. It’s an Alien vs Predator world.

The reason the cynical media hates the idea of Christianity is it’s absurd belief that somewhere, someplace there exists a Good Guy.

The erosion of trust

One of the reasons why ABC’s suppression of the Epstein story has had such surprising impact, at a time when Deplorables should have been jaded by media scandal, is because it mocks the pose of virtue it constantly strikes. A congregation may forgive sin in their shepherd but not blatant hypocrisy.

The two political sides are increasingly loathsome to each other and the feeling is growing rather than diminishing over time.