The riddle of the sands

China is waging a subtle war against an island neighbour, deploying a rather unusual tactic as it looks to expand its regional empire.

Its latest weapon? Sand…

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China’s feet of clay and sword of gold

Although China is a formidable geopolitical rival it is not ten feet tall. It’s birthrate continues to fall to record levels despite the Party’s reversal of the One Child policy. Compared to the Quad alliance …

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Interview with Steve Bannon

I was interviewed by Steve Bannon on War Room on my recent piece Bandwagon of Perdition. My segment starts at about 26:50

Our sickening simplicity

Charles de Gaulle when asked by a journalist if ‘he was happy’ retorted “What do you take me for, an idiot?” For some people neighborliness is just plain irksome.

Do you really want to help people or just enjoy sitting in judgment of others? This is the dilemma of the virtuous. Nothing is more ensnaring than the temptation of knowing you are better than others for it is the key to power. The churches were meant to be full of sinners while the halls of authority are reserved for those without need of forgiveness. The secret to modern virtue is knowing that no one can forgive.

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Is the old war habit coming back?

Is war making a comeback in the Middle East? What about the Pacific? One of the two things the pandemic did was weaken great powers across the board. The other was it destabilized countries and power blocs internally. The former lessens the danger of deliberate conflict; the latter increases it. The question is whether and to what extent this internal disquiet will overflow into external miscalculation.

We spent 4 years of the Trump administration listening to media warnings of a war that never came. One never knows what tomorrow brings, especially in the middle of a paradigm shift, especially under an administration using yesterday’s calculus. The intifada was once dead — then it came back to life.

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Climate activists say China must stop producing to save planet

“China’s record aluminium output last year emitted more C02 than some entire countries, including Indonesia and Brazil,” says Reuters. Maybe the West should shut more of their economies down in order to shame China into compliance. Or it could develop cheap nuclear power and outcompete their “inefficient coal plants”.

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The better political people weren’t

Politics ought to be decided on policy and performance. Virtue signaling was always a pretty phoney basis for choosing public positions.

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Look straight ahead 2713 Bumstead J

It’s amazing how much slavery you can impose in the guise of ‘safety’ and ‘justice’. In the last few years humanity has given away its birthright for a mess of digital pottage. And we want seconds.

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Now it can be told. Time describes virtuous conspiracy

Democracy in action from the pages of Time. Rejoice.

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Myanmar’s hi-technology repression

No longer the regime agent watching from across the street but the cell phone tracking you from your pocket. Who needs the Stasi when the regime has social media?

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Biden restoration

If the Biden Restoration just tries to restore Washington and foreign affairs to the way it was in November 2016 it will fail comprehensively. The old system was collapsing even as Hillary strode confidently toward her accession. It was the Deplorable’s awareness of the ancien regime’s impending collapse of which the aristocracy was blissfully unaware that led to the election of Donald Trump.

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Biden will fail at human rights because of Trump

NYT: Sanctions demonstrate you care even if they don’t work and drive the generals into the arms of China. But Aung San Suu Kyi ruined her reputation and Trump smashed everything so how can Biden succeed? With sanctions and virtue signaling ineffective Washington might have to do something practical in foreign affairs. Washington can no longer manage foreign affairs with smoke and mirrors and may be forced to actually build up American competitiveness and strength instead of distributing spoils.

As I argued in the Belmont Club Biden will be constrained in his ability to satisfy the Woke base by the need to compete with Chinese hard power. Biden can only ruin America so much before demoting himself to number 2 to Xi.

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The 21st Century according to Elon

In an interview he argues we have too many rules, too few kids; are too concerned with supplying the answers and not enough with asking the questions, including the most important of all: why are we here?

He believes the greatest threats and opportunities are those which touch upon conciousness; what the ancients called the soul. And the biggest threat to the soul today may be the United States.

Döpfner: That’s the first time where I would actually contradict you. China doesn’t care about human rights. How could there ever be an equal and level playing field. Do you really see an opportunity for Western democracies to win? What is your scenario, let’s say, concerning the role of AI in the hands of politicians and economies like China, America, the West, the East in 10 years?

Musk: Google and DeepMind, which is one company, are by far the leaders in AI, the ones making the most progress. So, I’m not aware of who would even be a close second, maybe open AI. So, China’s putting a lot of effort into AI. And they may be making progress. But I’ve not seen progress that is close to Google and DeepMind.

He hopes to be buried on Mars.

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Kerry defends private jet ride to receive 2019 climate award

Biden global climate czar John Kerry flew by private plane in 2019 to accept an award for his climate work in Iceland, a decision he defended at the time as “the only choice for somebody like me,” as shown on a video posted Wednesday by …

touting his climate bona fides and saying his schedule gave him little choice

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“Joe Biden just put me out of business”

signed Tim T. Schowalter. Politics is all about paying off political debts.

This action was done under the guise of helping climate change but will not stop one CO2 molecule from being released, as there is nothing in the executive order to reduce consumption.

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