Ex Obama official arrested for allegedly stealing school money, accused of faking Woke

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Anthropogenic global warming vs self-induced bureaucratic catastrophe

Steven Koonin, a top Obama scientist looks at the evidence on warming and CO2 emissions and rebuts much of the dominant political narrative. “The important questions are about the magnitude of civilization’s contribution and the speed of changes; and, derivatively, about the urgency and scale of governmental response.”

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The lost schoolyear

The full cost of the lockdown strategy is now coming in. From economic slowdowns, slower vaccination manufacturing, a spike in depression and drug use to a lost school year for millions of students.

It’s called “covid learning loss”. But it’s really political learning loss. The question that will be asked in coming years is whether it was worth it.

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The Ten Ships Revisited

As Joe Biden plans to end the deployment to Afghanistan it needs to be remembered that it was once the Obama administration’s “war of necessity” as opposed to the deployment in Iraq, which they ended.

The Belmont Club piece “The Ten Ships” posted on May 14, 2010 critiquing the strategy of ‘ending the war on terror where it began’ has become a site classic, and gets better if anything, with age.

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Root Causes

The Dems thought the public loved them. Now it can be revealed their own polls showed a deep disillusion with establishment institutions.

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Green vs Open Borders

As the drafters of NEPA recognized, population growth has significant environmental impacts. In its complaint, the AGO argues that DHS and other federal officials did not provide environmental impact statements or environmental assessments when DHS abruptly halted ongoing border wall construction

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Human capital vs the virus

When the large scale history of the 2020 pandemic is written the key factor for success will turn out to be how well individual societies mobilized their human capital, not how ruthlessly they shut it down.

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They don’t seem to be afraid

The Russians are pushing Biden in Ukraine.

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China’s anschluss

HONG KONG (BLOOMBERG) – Chinese lawmakers plan to put fewer than 10 people – all chosen by national security officials – on a committee to vet any candidates for top elected positions in Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post reported.

The report said vetting committee members would be chosen by Beijing’s National Security Office in Hong Kong as well as the Committee for Safeguarding National Security chaired by the territory’s chief executive – two bodies created under a sweeping national security law imposed last year.

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