Colonial Pipeline Paid Hackers Nearly $5 Million in Ransom

No one is exactly covered in glory. Yet it is somehow fitting tidings for a shabby, blustering time.

Colonial Pipeline Co. paid nearly $5 million to Eastern European hackers on Friday, contradicting reports earlier this week that the company had no intention of paying an extortion fee to help restore the country’s largest fuel pipeline, according to two people familiar with the transaction.

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Scotland 2021

The protests took place as new MSPs were sworn in to what has been described as Holyrood’s most diverse parliament, taking their oaths is British Sign Language, Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi, Doric, Scots, Gaelic, Welsh and Orcadian, and after an election in which refugees had voting rights for the first time in Scotland.



I tell my friends the doctor has finally treated my parents.

The Washington casino

The progressives are hoping that the administration’s current woes are caused by misfortune and soon end. If on the other hand they are the product of policy error they will persist.

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The anatomy of a stall

By piling on too many progressive policies once Biden created induced drag. Then with reduced power he pulled the nose up and increased the angle of attack beyond allowable limits. Conclusion:

“It’s working!”

The value of a Woke education

An “A” in Equity and an “F” everywhere else. What’s the average?

The shame weapon and Beijing

Memo to the One World Department
From the Aberdeen Hong Kong proving grounds
Re Effect of Mark 19 Super duper shame weapon on the Communist Party of China

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Selling good intentions, getting bad results

One of the things progressives are good at is selling good intentions, whether racial justice, climate justice, clean energy and/or Middle Eastern peace. However the path to these laudable goals wends through riots, resegregation, carbon taxes, gas shortages and renewed war in Israel. Why is that?

One theory is these bad things — like the depressing jobs report — are signs the progressives are on the right track. ‘Things have to get worse before they get better’.

The public will buy this contradictory experience for a while, just as some have gone along with the notion that more censorship, surveillance and gun control is needed to save democracy. But they will not go along with it forever. Sooner or later a policy becomes defined by what it does, rather than what it intends.

You are what you do. What have they done?