My latest at the Belmont Club. When two groups decide to divorce they build increasingly separate lives. Although competition will predominate, conflict is also inevitable because of the winner take all nature of the game.
The Certitude of True Believers
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Activists who would change the world want history’s approval in advance. Alas, sometimes history has other ideas.
AI to the Rescue
Religion in Disguise
My latest at the Belmont Club. How a 19th century theory that failed in economics returned as a 21st century theory of everything.
Don’t Run Too Far, Reb.
My latest at PJMedia VIP. A cold civil war where the hated Other still needs to pay his taxes.
Avoiding Catastrophe
My latest at the Belmont Club. You don’t walk but stumble into conflict.
Our Immaterial World
My latest at PJMedia VIP. In a century where information and sentience have become tangible realities, governments will do anything to control the collective mind. The next big industry is censorship.
Beware the Singleton
China Syndrome
My latest at PJMedia VIP. The population doomsters may have prevented the rise of China by persuading Beijing to kill its children. How people become valuable again.
The Holy Ghost
New at the Belmont Club. Why has religion frequently been viewed as a threat by worldly leaders? Something to be repressed, replaced or derided?
Dark Waters
My latest at the Belmont Club. With the battlefront static, the war in Ukraine has become a war of logistics in which deep strikes are critical. This creates a problem for Washington: do they embrace stalemate or try to break it?
A Change in Priorities
We Promise You Hell On Earth
Our Secret History
My latest at the Belmont Club. The Western world thinks of itself as secular and rational. But is it?
The Narrow Ways
My latest at PJMedia VIP. In the last few years both maritime traffic and navies have been challenged in the Black Sea and Red Sea. The world waits with bated breath for a similar challenge in the South China Sea.
None So Blind
New at the Belmont Club. Why Woke censorship is so powerful and so dangerous.
Second Anniversary
New at the Belmont Club. The long war in Ukraine. The second anniversary of what pundits reckoned would last two weeks.
The Lure of the Perfect
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Everyone should want World Government to fix Climate Change and to obtain Global Justice, right? That’s what all the visionaries tell us. But nothing could be more dangerous.
America Version 2
New at the Belmont Club. The end of history won’t last forever. But will America risk creating the successor to its own unipolar moment?