Mein Kampf and Mao’s Red Book are morally the same

Ukraine’s Constitutional Court has upheld a law that equates communism to Nazism and bans the dissemination of its symbols, a law that has prompted angry protests from Moscow.
In the July 16 ruling published on its website, the court said the “communist and Nazi regimes” used similar methods of “implementing repressive state policies.”
“The communist regime, like the Nazi regime, inflicted irreparable damages to human rights because during its existence, it had total control over society and politically motivated persecutions and repressions, violated its international obligations, and its own constitutions and laws,” it said.


As the 20th century fades into the past Communism will be seen for what it truly was: the Other Totalitarianism, arguably the greater one. This judgment was held at bay by its hordes of professional apologists. As that coating wears off the verdict can no longer be avoided.

This will upset the True Believers those who believed — and many still believe — in what turned out to be the most murderous ideology of all time. But the sad truth is that good intentions are often at the heart of many historical evils. Meine Ehre heißt Treue was sincerely uttered also.

Are the True Believers supposed to forget it? No, they’ll just have to live with it. Like the relatives of all those people their beautiful murderous ideology killed.

It would be interesting to know how much aggressive virtue signaling is really driven by the secret guilt and growing awareness, not of being worse than others — for all men are sinners — but of being no better. We used to say back in the day that the primary reason people joined the ranks of the grim and determined was to escape from mediocrity. They just couldn’t stand the idea they weren’t special.