My latest at PJMedia VIP. Why accountability is not the same as revenge and why “moving on” doesn’t take you to the future but mostly to a repeat the past.

The Unavengers
Some people may actually be reluctant to prosecute Hunter Biden to avoid repeating the unjust persecution of Donald Trump. The belief in the possibility of political prosecutions was revealed in the jury selection process in Hunter’s case. “Potential jurors were asked, ‘Do you believe that Americans can be prosecuted based on their political beliefs and affiliations?’ Many answered yes to the question … the judge would then probe as to what they viewed as specific examples of political prosecution. Every potential juror who stated that they believed in political prosecution cited Donald Trump as the example. These potential jurors gave examples of CrossFire Hurricane and Donald Trump’s New York Conviction.” That would ironically be a good reason not to proceed against the younger Biden, some would say.