Ex Obama official arrested for allegedly stealing school money, accused of faking Woke

“As alleged, Seth Andrew abused his position as a founder of a charter school network to steal from the very same schools he helped create. Andrew is not only alleged to have stolen the schools’ money but also to have used the stolen funds to obtain a savings on a mortgage for a multimillion-dollar Manhattan apartment. Thanks to the FBI’s diligent work, Andrew now faces federal charges for his alleged scheme.”


He’s also been accused of racism. “Seth Andrew has inflicted pain upon hundreds of young people, directly; and upon thousands of young people and their families indirectly through the proliferation of his school model. He has a record of ostracizing and firing faculty and staff of color who spoke out against the injustices that they witnessed and endured while employed at Democracy Prep. Seth collaborated with Democracy Prep’s Human Resources team and executive leadership to silence Black and Brown student and staff voices. Beyond this, he worked alongside his wife Lana, who amassed a large number of media contacts from her time at ABC and CBS, to spin the narrative of DPPS in a way that silences students, alums, staff and families — with the exception of the few positive stories that they cherry-picked to support their version of history.”

In the Woke world everyone wears the uniform of virtue. But identity politics is a very poor indicator of competence and performance and honesty. It’s not the group but the individual character that counts. Scoring people by PC is a recipe for disaster.