New at the Belmont Club: our political obsession with controlling the future

Our expectations of the future are set by the past. When Stephen Hawking died in 2018 his final warning to humanity was to beware artificial intelligence, climate change and a meteor strike from outer space. Although these are now familiar terms no newspaper editor before 1970 would have heard of them. Until the early 1980s …

Netanyahu may annex West Bank settlements

“I am going to extend [Israeli] sovereignty and I don’t distinguish between settlement blocs and the isolated settlements.” A spokesman for Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told Reuters: “Any measures and any announcements will not change the facts. Settlements are illegal and they will be removed.” BBC What may have killed the Palestinian cause was the …

You can work

Arizona is one signature away from becoming the first state in the country to recognize out-of-state occupational licenses. That means licensed workers will be able to move to Arizona and immediately find work without going through the expensive, time-consuming, and redundant process of getting re-licensed Reason

When “bath” is spelled “national park”

Every day, hundreds of people without running water hike up from the city on Avila’s winding trails to bathe, wash clothes and collect water to carry home. To the dismay of environmental activists who fear the damage will be irreversible, people are littering its slopes and creeks with shampoo and water bottles, food wrappers, cardboard …

Crawling out the tunnel but still inside the wire

Mrs. May’s plan was to eventually take Britain out of Europe’s main economic structures but give it control over immigration from continental Europe. Mr. Corbyn has been reluctant to be pinned down on a single alternate plan, but Labour’s policy is to keep Britain more closely tied to European regulations and leave the door open …

Can the ICC prosecute US military personnel?

The travails of the global world and an international “rule based order” The U.S. is not a party to the treaty that created the international court. Instead of joining the organization when it was founded, the U.S. adopted the American Service-Members’ Protection Act, which broadly prohibits the U.S. from facilitating any ICC investigation of U.S. …

The first extraterrestrial bombing mission in history carried out by Japan

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, said Hayabusa2 dropped a small explosive box which sent a copper ball the size of a baseball slamming into the asteroid, and that data confirmed the spacecraft had safely evacuated and remained intact. JAXA later confirmed the impact from images transmitted from a camera left behind by the …

The trouble with rationed health care

If price doesn’t set the level, the government does. That’s why a combination of private (price set) and government (rationed to indigents and subsidized for low income) is often the policy mix of choice. Nearly a quarter of a million British patients have been waiting more than six months to receive planned medical treatment from …

Sanders: let’s study reparations

Following his remarks at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Conference, Sanders was asked whether he would support a bill, introduced by Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas), that would form a commission to study the institution of American slavery and devise a plan to compensate living descendants of slaves. “If the House and the Senate …

Dismantling the electoral college

Ohio could decide to hand its votes in presidential elections over to the Democratic Party if a proposed ballot measure passes in November. If approved, the proposed constitutional amendment would award Ohio’s electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote. The language of the ballot measure would enshrine the following in the …

The terrible cycle begins

Former FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday condemned President Donald Trump’s calls for a possible investigation into how special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia inquiry started, adding that it creates a troubling precedent. During an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Comey was asked about whether he feared possible counterinvestigations. “I don’t fear it personally. I fear …