My latest at the Belmont Club. With the battlefront static, the war in Ukraine has become a war of logistics in which deep strikes are critical. This creates a problem for Washington: do they embrace stalemate or try to break it?
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A Change in Priorities
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When the object of Duty changes from Country to the World, priorities change.
We Promise You Hell On Earth
My latest at The Pipeline. The politics of de-growth. Communism was supposed to control nature so man could be rich. Now it is still trying to control nature — so that man can be poor.
Our Secret History
My latest at the Belmont Club. The Western world thinks of itself as secular and rational. But is it?
The Narrow Ways
My latest at PJMedia VIP. In the last few years both maritime traffic and navies have been challenged in the Black Sea and Red Sea. The world waits with bated breath for a similar challenge in the South China Sea.
None So Blind
New at the Belmont Club. Why Woke censorship is so powerful and so dangerous.
Second Anniversary
New at the Belmont Club. The long war in Ukraine. The second anniversary of what pundits reckoned would last two weeks.
The Lure of the Perfect
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Everyone should want World Government to fix Climate Change and to obtain Global Justice, right? That’s what all the visionaries tell us. But nothing could be more dangerous.
America Version 2
New at the Belmont Club. The end of history won’t last forever. But will America risk creating the successor to its own unipolar moment?
The Type 1 Civilization
My latest at The Pipeline. Our planetary elite’s appetite to impose order on an unruly public and nature will require vast amounts of energy. So much that they may wind up heating the planet in order to cool it.
Waiting for the Election
My latest at PJMedia VIP. The world of 2024 is a collection of crisis tribes waiting for a sign, sure something big is coming though nobody knows what it is. On the day of the Big Reveal, which unusual person do you prefer in the Oval Office?
Who Wins a Slapping Contest?
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When the goal of White House policy is not to cross Iran’s Red Lines even when they cross yours, winning and losing become slippery concepts.
Bird Box
New at the Belmont Club. The media debates whether it is safe to broadcast live coverage of Donald Trump, lest unsuspecting viewers be poisoned by his raw speech.
The Power of Bad Luck
My latest at PJMedia VIP. In late 2021 Joe Biden told the UN: “as I stand here today, for the first time in 20 years the United States is not at war.” Then it began to fall apart.
The End of Control
Half a decade ago the trustees of the future were confidently planning the global tomorrow. Then pandemic, war and deglobalization covered the crystal ball with mystery. 2024 may reveal what’s ahead. My latest at The Pipeline.
Tomorrow Beats Today
New at the Belmont Club. Nothing is more real than the inevitable future. What’s going to happen is more important than what’s happening.
Endless Bummer
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When wars can be created but not destroyed.
Follow the Power
New at the Belmont Club: How Does One Decode the Strange Politics of Recent Years?
Ancient Regime
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Counting on a tomorrow that’s like yesterday.
Judging Books By Their Covers
New at the Belmont Club. Crimes of Fashion. The media can make a star, but only God can make a gentleman.