Boris Johnson kept calling but Biden wouldn’t answer for 36 hours

President Joe Biden ignored British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s attempts to contact him for approximately 36 hours as the Taliban cemented its control over Afghanistan, a report said. Johnson tried to reach Biden on Monday morning, UK time, but wasn’t able to get him on the phone until 10 p.m. Tuesday (5 p.m. Washington time), …

The Big Guy’s Restoration plan is over.

Don’t be surprised at how things have turned into a shit show. We’ve been swallowing ordure for a long time, ingesting lies by the bucketful. Men are women, math is racist, the UN can save the planet, money for nothing, mediocrity — nay incompetence — is justice and whatever you see with your own eyes …

#IStandWithBiden — the Big Guy is going to brazen it out

This will work well enough with political partisans but the hard rivals of America will see it for an exercise in trying to cast incompetence as resoluteness. They will note: He didn’t anticipate the outcome of his own orders; He spent a long time sequestered writing a speech; His ultimate reaction was to deny the …

The finger pointing begins

American intelligence sources say they correctly predicted the fall of Kabul. … “This is a crisis of untold proportions,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told NBC News Sunday as Taliban militants swept into Kabul. “This is an intelligence failure. We underestimated the Taliban and overestimated the resolve of the Afghan Army.” But numerous U.S. officials tell …