Avenatti too broke to afford a lawyer, resorts to public defender.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
EMP could happen
Trump orders a plan to defend against electronic pulse attacks. Venezuela’s outages are an example of how devastating losing the power grid can be.
Tis witchcraft
America is set to surpass Saudi Arabia in a ‘remarkable’ oil milestone.
As collusion predictions fail
Maddow ratings drop. How could they have been so sure of something that didn’t materialize? Were their sources wrong or were they trapped in an echo chamber?
Showdown in Venezuela
Looks like events are coming to a head as Rubio warns Maduro is preparing his counterstrike. It can’t go on. Maduro holds out hope of load management and blames snipers for the blackouts.
Get rid of private health insurance
Says Bernie. All or it won’t work.
Socialism network
Maduro censors what little remains of Venezuelan internet.
Remember my Belmont Club post?
Sad that it had to come true. Rand Paul urges look at Obama’s role in collusion hoax. He wants the origins of the probe released with the Mueller report.
Did they string it out?
“Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded that there was no criminal collusion, the question arises: When during their exhaustive 22-month investigation did prosecutors realize they had no case? I put it at no later than the end of 2017. I suspect it was in the early autumn.” Andy McCarthy
The global warming debate
Mike Lee fits right into the prevailing mood.
When Virtue becomes an industry
SPLC “It was a top-down organization controlled by an incompetent and venal leadership.” Current Affairs
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