Misery drives Venezuelan protests as privation overcomes fear of the regime. Bloomberg The colectivos are no longer dominant. The chant is “ni un dia mas”.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
The age of belief
A survey argues that atheism aka “no religion” is rising. That’s only because they didn’t offer categories of belief systems that are effectively religions. When these are accounted for the number of believers may have increased. The behavioral clues are everywhere. Celibacy is on the rise. Not for traditionally Christian reasons, but for reasons of …
The post ISIS middle east
The Kurds are transitioning from conventional war to nternal security to keep ISIS down. Their biggest internal challenges are containing Turkey, Russia. https://thedefensepost.com/2019/03/29/syria-sdf-kurds-face-bigger-battles-isis/amp/
The USN as Aquaman
Are biologicals the future of naval war? Questions as the USN learns to command the fishes https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/us-military-fish-underwater-spies-marine-life-darpa-a8847706.html
Were the Portland Hate crimes hoaxes? When there’s an advantage to being a victim, should we expect more of what is incentivized? https://nypost.com/2019/03/30/inside-the-suspicious-rise-of-gay-hate-crimes-in-portland/amp/
What’s Russia doing in Venezuela
Do 100 Russian advisers signify a limited response? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-defends-troops-in-venezuela-says-u-s-nervous/ar-BBVqTQk?ocid=ob-tw-enus-677
Why do these coincidences happen?
The Twitter account for the anti-abortion movie Unplanned was briefly suspended on Saturday, but has been restored to Twitter. After several users screenshotted notices of the suspension on the service and tagged Twitter and its co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey, the account returned. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/news/unplanned-movie-twitter-account-briefly-suspended-1198343?__twitter_impression=true
What climate scientists dont know
“As a decision-making aid in the construction of dykes and drainage channels the climate models are unsuitable. “Our computers do not even predict with certainty whether the glaciers in the Alps will increase or decrease,” explains Stevens. The difficulties he and his fellow researchers face can be summed up in one word: clouds. The mountains …
The problem of failing states
Countries, unlike companies, are defined by the International system as “too big to fail”. What foreign assistance tries to accomplish would be called a bailout. Unfortunately some countries fail anyway. Venezuela is a dramatic example. It failed largely because of mismanagement. No amount of foreign aid will fix it. Not even intervention may work. Nobody …
Europe Wants Cars To Have Speed Limiters and More by 2022
Does the state spell technology ‘control ‘? “It seems that politicians believe driver training or road maintenance won’t improve anytime soon, so instead they want to limit your car’s engine power to make sure you don’t break the speed limit while robots determine whether you’re fit to drive in the first place. At least that’s …
Continue reading “Europe Wants Cars To Have Speed Limiters and More by 2022”
Maduro ready to resist to the last other man
As economy suffers multiple organ failure. It turned out that Venezuela wasn’t rich enough to afford socialism.
The day the dinosaurs died
Revealed in detail by new techniques in the fossil record. One moment an entire era seemed unstoppable. The next it was gone. It’s a sobering story. What Nature’s left hand is doing may be undone by its right. Yet the end of the dinosaurs meant the birth of the mammalian age — and us.
Referendum again UK told
If they want a Brexit delay. Meanwhile Bolton says US will give post Brexit UK priority access
What happened to collusion?
As US Russia tensions rise in Venezuela
London knife murder suspects escape through mosque
Helicopters circled the London Central Mosque on the edge of Regent’s Park after the street attack about half a mile away in St John’s Wood. London Times
Biden again
The hands
Why is she less famous than Avenatti?
The woman who forgave the boy who smashed her face
Federal Court Finds California Magazine Ban Violates the Second Amendment
Benitez subjected the ban both to the constitutional analysis he argued was required by the U.S. Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller and a more complicated and flexible test the Ninth Circuit has applied in prior Second Amendment cases.
EU demands 39 billion pounds for Brexit
$50 to get in $500 to get out defines a joint you should avoid
Pick up the phone
Top Venezuelan brass getting messages from Bolton. No longer master of the house.