The great advantage of Beto, Elizabeth, Kamala and Pete is they are essentially firewalled from any Obama Era scandals. They are a promissory note, not a bounced political check or worse, a potential co-conspirator. The DNC’s dilemma is polls show they can’t win from the extreme left. Their chance is in the center but Joe …
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Bill and Hillary show
Tickets to the latest stop on Bill and Hillary Clinton’s speaking tour were going for as little as $20 on the secondary market as their 13-city adventure continued to struggle to find an audience.The best seats in the house at Seattle’s WaMu Theater on Friday could be had for $829, a steep 54% drop from the $1,785 …
In its most detailed account yet, the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington says a Democratic National Committee (DNC) insider during the 2016 election solicited dirt on Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and even tried to enlist the country’s president to help.In written answers to questions, Ambassador Valeriy Chaly’s office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from …
Facebook Opens a Command Post to Thwart Election Meddling in Europe
The cramped space is home to Facebook’s newly opened operations center to oversee the European Union’s parliamentary election, which will be held May 23 to May 26 in 28 countries. Modeled after the “war room” that the Silicon Valley company created before last year’s midterm elections in the United States, the people inside are tasked …
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Madonna: “I’m Being Punished For Turning 60”
I made a mistake when I gave my older children phones when they were 13,” she shares. “It ended my relationship with them, really. Not completely, but it became a very, very big part of their lives. They became too inundated with imagery and started to compare themselves to other people, and that’s really bad …
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Obama Boulevard: Los Angeles renames a street
“For every child who will drive down this street and see the name of the first Black President of our country, this boulevard will serve as a physical reminder that no goal is out of reach and that no dream is too big,” tweeted City Council President Herb Wesson after the renaming Saturday. CNN
Booming economy due to Obama
Democratic Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker both argued during Sunday interviews that former President Barack Obama deserves the credit for a good economy under President Donald Trump. Daily Caller
Odin in Afghanistan
The killer unit National Interest
New at Belmont: the American way of hybrid war
Foreign intervention without military force.
Is Putin selling Maduro out to hold on in Venezuela?
Some analysts think that the two heavyweight countries might be coming to some kind of deal over Maduro’s potential departure.”(There’s) little doubt in my mind that the Russians and the U.S. have been talking for weeks about some kind of deal to ease Maduro out of office,” Timothy Ash, a senior emerging markets strategist at …
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The Venezuela issue is making it impossible for the Left to hide in ambiguous positions. Forced to choose they choose.
We will not be thrown away
Today a classmate died. He was funny, brave and incredibly successful. It was a sobering moment to realize that the world outside didn’t stop and a memento mori for ‘if the heavens do not stop for princes they will not stop for me’. Simone de Beauvoir, I remember reading somewhere, felt the same realization on …
Why the Chinese are so formidable
A couple of years ago I started noticing elderly Chinese or Asians going around Sydney’s upper North Shore with prams or supermarket trolleys filled with cans or plastic bottles. Having been a scavenger in Tondo one time in my life I recognized exactly what they were doing. These old Chinese folks were going around segregating …
Can tech be neutral?
Or must it “take a stand”? I watched Dorsey’s ted appearance on my computer at home … Listening to him speak at ted felt like witnessing the end of something: the end of the techno-utopian period when social-media architects could speak eagerly about democracy and openness, without also mentioning the potential for enabling authoritarianism. … This …
New at the Belmont Club: the pagan world returns
And welcome to Wolfenstein.
The War of the Liars
After the USSR fell its strategists decided its best offense against the West consisted of disinformation. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Aleksandr Dugin. The book has had a large influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites and it has been used as a …
New at the Belmont Club
Our transient certitudes. Tomorrow is a dead cert, until it actually arrives.
Virtue signaling is really blame laying in disguise
Sri Lanka’s President has demanded the resignation of two top security officials after the Easter Sunday terrorr attack after it emerged key intelligence on attack targeting churches was withheld from ministers. The perpetrators were educated in the UK and Australia. The question asks itself. What role did trendy Western fads play in unleashing this ISIS …
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We are getting a glimpse of hybrid warfare, American style For the first time, the United States government is offering a multi-million dollar reward for those who provide accurate information about the finances and activities of the Hezbollah terrorist group; a tempting offer for some Venezuelans with classified information.The amount offered by the State Department …
Offensive cyberwar
NEARLY THREE YEARS after the mysterious group called the Shadow Brokers began disemboweling the NSA’s hackers and leaking their hacking tools onto the open web, Iran’s hackers are getting their own taste of that unnerving experience. For the last month, a mystery person or group has been targeting a top Iranian hacker team, dumping their secret data, tools, …