Family and colleagues mourned Sunday the deaths of the first woman to lead Massachusetts’ university system and her husband,a retired MIT professor, after the couple were found Friday in their Florida home overcome by carbon monoxide from a car they had purchased for its modern safety features, family members said .. accidentally left running in …
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Three dead, 2 crossbows, 0 suspects
Hotel staff discovered the bodies in a room alongside two crossbows, the German news agency DPA reported. …“There was no evidence to suggest that another person was involved in the deaths.” BBC Although it is little remembered now, the OSS developed a crossbow called Big Joe for covert assassinations.
Why you’re bigger than a giant floating airfield
New at the Belmont Club
Sen. Chris Murphy calls for probe into Giuliani efforts in Ukraine
“What’s he worried about?” Giuliani told NBC News in a text message in response to Murphy’s call for an investigation NBC
Chicken in the Gulf
Iran’s probably think it’s in their interest to try pull US forces back to the Middle East by engaging in asymmetric provocation. It is something Trump will resist. But some damn fool thing can always happen. History shows that once escalation occurs it becomes unpredictable. The semi-official ISNA news agency quoted hardliner Ayatollah Tabatabai-Nejad in …
The sharpening edge
As the world continues through a conflict that has yet to receive history’s name the fight — between whom and whom — continually intensifies. The culture wars have become vicious, uncompromising. The antipathy is open. A new stage may be starting.
Singapore outlaws fake news, allows govt to block, remove it
By blocking certain users social media assumed the responsibility of publishers. This may destroy them. The law bans falsehoods that are prejudicial to Singapore or likely to influence elections and requires service providers to remove such content or allows the government to block it. Offenders could face a jail term of up to 10 years …
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Restaurants to offer penance at meals
Selling indulgences to Gaia. A future historian might write: “Indulgences became increasingly popular in the 21st century as a reward for signaling virtue, hugging rough trees, and going on pilgrimage to environmental summits; for putting on processions and marches; associations demanded that their meetings be rewarded with indulgences. Good deeds included tax donations of money …
Iran revisited
The Iran nuclear deals seems to have represented a fundamental strategic choice which the Obama administration made and which Trump has now rejected without either really explaining why. The lack of public debate is reflected in the non-ratification of Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal and the lack of Congressional consensus behind Trump’s actions toward Iran. Maybe …
Not a good indicator
And yet you hear less about China and Iran than Russia. That’s not to say Russia isn’t a factor but what a strange sense of proportionality the media have. Together, the U.S. and China make up half the world’s military spending, expending as much as the rest of the world combined. In fact, the “significant …
Columbiner Subculture
“The phenomenon is feeding on itself,” said Peter Langman, a psychologist who is the author of “Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters” and who runs the website “It’s gaining momentum, and the more there are, the more there will be.” National Review
Had They Bet On Nuclear, Not Renewables, Germany & California Would Already Have 100% Clean Power
Had California and Germany invested $680 billion into new nuclear power plants instead of renewables like solar and wind farms, the two would already be generating 100% or more of their electricity from clean (low-emissions) energy sources, according to a new analysis by Environmental Progress. Forbes
Iran threat inflated say sources
It sounds like ‘when’ not ‘if’. The reality of the Iranian threat means whoever the US backs in the Islamic civil war that they will be backing a “bad guy”. The only escape from this dilemma is to make both Iran and KSA irrelevant but the Greens through their policies will ensure they both remain …
Kamala Harris Wants to Be Your Online Censor-in-Chief
We will hold social media platforms responsible for the hate infiltrating their platforms, because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy. And if you profit off of hate—if you act as a megaphone for misinformation or cyberwarfare, if you don’t police your platforms—we are going to hold you accountable …
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It’s Time for Jews to Realize They’re No Longer Welcome in American Universities
Something took over. An intellectual generation scornful of “thoughts and prayers ” were wholly defenseless against a hostile meme. Like the proud Martians in the War of Worlds they proved vulnerable to a virus against which humble men had been inoculated. Tablet
Top EU official: ‘A mistake’ to have not interfered with Brexit
“The second mistake I made was to listen too carefully to the British government. Cameron. Because the then prime minister asked me not to interfere, not to intervene in the referendum campaign,” Hill
James Comey is in trouble and he knows it
Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken. In light of this, the fired former FBI director apparently has decided that photos of him on Twitter …
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Social media takes sides
The increasing willingness of Twitter and Factbook to censor critics of the left was inevitable. It was unrealistic to think they would provide a platform for views their bigs disagreed with. The only practical response is to develop alternative channels. The segmentation of the Internet has been on for some time. This is the latest …
New at Belmont: Can the US avoid conflict with the Army of the Guardians?
Will Iran strike?
China lacks capability to invade Taiwan, focuses on neutralizing US
The Chinese communist party seeks to diplomatically isolate Taiwan by stripping it of its diplomatic allies, by meddling in democratic elections and by applying economic pressure through redirecting tourism and financial development away from the island, Randall Shriver, assistant secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Affairs, said during a Friday media briefing about the report.“China has …
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