The Empty Earth

Green energy like any other form of power generation will require large installations to produce. The land devoted to windfarms, solar energy arrays and biofuel cultivation, not to mention tidal generators will grow as the population increases. Since “Green” Satanic Mills must ultimately replace the old Satanic Mills with facilities of comparable or even more …

CCP’s new threat: Jesus

After it became the unofficial anthem of Hong Kong’s anti-extradition movement, netizens have discovered that the hymn “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord” has been banned by several Chinese music streaming platforms. If you had asked someone in 1968 whether this could happen they would think you were crazy.

Tech Billionaire To Joe Rogan: ‘The Left Has Won The Culture Wars. Now They’re Just Driving Around Shooting Survivors’

And just think. All this time the population was worried about neo-Nazis holding conventions in some low rent venue. “[They need to] realize that these social media platforms are picking the next president, the next congressmen — they’re literally picking — and they have the power to pick, so they will be controlled by the …