Who might that Democratic candidate capable of winning in the EC be? https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/468956-hillary-clinton-urges-democrats-to-pick-a-candidate-who-can-win-the
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
The peasant revolt
Warren, like Trump, is a “populist”. What have the elites done to deserve this? This means that apart from Biden there is no champion for the Restoration, unless Hillary comes back in. Politics is now firmly in the post-something era. “Change has come to America” and the Left searches for its continuation. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/04/us/politics/elizabeth-warren-wall-street.html#click=https://t.co/kEe2CReAXu
“Change has come to America”
But not exactly in the way Obama thought. He was on one Arc of History but history was on a different trajectory. Average politicians think they can control the future. The slightly more talented simply seek to understand and survive it. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/story?id=6181477
But it couldn’t be
“it looks like a campaign and it sounds like a campaign but it isn’t a campaign” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/04/the-stakes-are-enormous-is-hillary-clinton-set-for-a-white-house-run
Don’t be so grim
Obama expressed particular frustration with young people on college campuses who think the best way to enact change is “to be as judgmental as possible about other people.” https://reason.com/2019/10/30/barack-obama-woke-scolds-campus-activism/?amp&__twitter_impression=true
Erdogan’s Vietnam
Did someone predict this? https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/turkey-may-have-stepped-its-own-endless-war-syria-kurds-erdogan-trump
The KGB rule for recruiting Western agents
“look for the losers, especially the ones who want to think they are winners because they hang on to important positions.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/heres-how-the-kgb-knew-youd-be-a-traitor-an-exclusive-look-at-its-recruitment-manual?ref=home
See you in my dreams
Spying on the sleeping is like tainting children’s ice cream. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2019/11/02/google-to-buy-fitbit-for-21-billion-what-about-privacy-concerns/amp/
Trump adds insult to injury
California’s “status as the vanguard of environmental policy seemed at the very least diminished.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/02/us/climate-change-california-fires-trump.html
Biden says Warren medicare plan unaffordable
Warren retorts that Obama officials disagree. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/468587-warren-fires-back-at-biden-criticism-of-medicare-for-all-plan?amp&__twitter_impression=true
The dark tower
Knowledge inequality is creating a world of primitives ruled by sorcerers. Take California … New at the Belmont Club
Baghdadi learns some things don’t change
The 21st century collides with the 8th and the 1st joins in. New at the Belmont Club
Changing how you see yourself
How much of the transgender surge is caused by social media? And has this phenomenon happened before? New at the Belmont Club
Taliban blow up mosque in peace negotiations
The Taliban and Islamic State fighters are actively operating in parts of Nangarhar, which shares a border with Pakistan in the east. The mosque attack was the latest act of violence in the country. A U.N. report this week said 4,313 civilians were killed and wounded in Afghanistan’s war between July and September. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan-blast-idUSKBN1WY09U
Zuckerberg avoided yoking himself to China
It’s one of the reasons we don’t operate Facebook, Instagram or our other services in China. I wanted our services in China because I believe in connecting the whole world and I thought we might help create a more open society. I worked hard to make this happen. But we could never come to agreement …
Continue reading “Zuckerberg avoided yoking himself to China”
Where no man has gone before
Jeff Bezos driven by Star Trek but is driven to go through Washington. When reporters tracked down Bezos’s high-school girlfriend, she said, “The reason he’s earning so much money is to get to outer space.” This assessment hardly required a leap of imagination. As the valedictorian of Miami Palmetto Senior High School’s class of 1982, …
As China becomes less derivative its incentive to protect its own patents will grow
Chinese telecoms giant is stepping up pursuit of royalties and licensing fees as US restricts access to American markets and suppliers Huawei is currently engaged in negotiations or disputes with Verizon, Qualcomm and defence firm Harris Corp. South China Morning Post
The Kurdish problem becomes a NATO crisis
The cans can no longer be kicked down the road as the realities of the 21st century overwhelm the politics of the 20th. New at the Belmont Club
The Turkish offensive
The Kurds aren’t doomed to lose. New at the Belmont Club
Should the US midwife Kurdistan?
Do the right thing, but do it in a bipartisan manner. New at the Belmont Club