The end of the benefit of the doubt. New at the Belmont Club
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
An open quarrel
Trapped in the global world. It’s not World War 3 but a clash of civilizations neither Iran nor Washington know how to end. New at the Belmont Club
The low chance of war with Iran
Tehran can afford war, but only so long as it stays secret New at the Belmont Club
A series of Frankensteins
Compensating the late terrorist, Qasem Soliemeni, was part of the Iran nuclear deal. According to the Daily Beast: Among the big winners in the agreement to curtail Iran’s nuclear program, count a notorious and shadowy Iranian general who helped Shiite militias in Iraq kill American soldiers and who has come to the rescue of Syrian …
Don’t take the calender for granted
You could lose it you know. New at the Belmont Club
Ten years later
Looking back at the Belmont Club’s assessment of Obama’s War of Necessity in Afghanistan. New at the Belmont Club
Inquisitors in a world of glass houses
How the death of privacy has disrupted our social contract New at the Belmont Club
Looking for the off ramp on the road to hell
Washington, city poisoned by secrets. New at the Belmont Club
The sky isn’t falling
Even though the news might make you think so. New at the Belmont Club
The age of control is ending
What the UK election says about the 21st century. New at the Belmont Club
Unintended consequences
Have the attempts to restore the status quo ante — go back to 2016 — damaged the political DNA? New at the Belmont Club
Homo narrans and the loss of certitude
A long, best effort attempt to put the different pieces on the troubled state of civilization at PJMedia VIP.
Rebels without a cause
Unrest is sweeping the world. Can the centuries old categories of Left vs Right, Reactionary vs Progressive still explain it? New at the Belmont Club
Creating a narrative
The reliance on classified briefings and special knowledge for news is one way to bring back the vanished age of Cronkite. New at the Belmont Club
No prisoners
The perverse incentives of well intentioned policy. New at the Belmont Club
Can you ever regain control of your data
Or are you doomed to lose it both to those would steal it and those who would protect you? New at the Belmont Club
The coming upheaval
The old world order is giving way to something new. But what? New at the Belmont Club
The declaration of war
One small part of Barr’s broadside We are now in a crazy position that, if we identify a terrorist enemy on the battlefield, such as ISIS, we can kill them with drone or any other weapon. But if we capture them and want to hold them at Guantanamo or in the United States, the military …
Epstein guards refuse deal
The alternative to doing time was unappealing.
The lost “old normal”
Maybe the way back to stability is to start from scratch. New at the Belmont Club