New at the Belmont Club. Solving the most complicated puzzle since the end of the Cold War in the capital of intrigue.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
The Virtuous Corrupters
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When philanthropy becomes about lying in a good political cause, there is a price for everything and a value to nothing.
Entropy in Action
My latest at The Pipeline. Politics, not prosperity, is usual cause of environmental disaster striking communities.
Hail CEO or hail Caesar?
New at the Belmont Club. The new empires. What is 21st century greatness? The rivalry between America and China.
Mask Mandates and Covid-19
New at the Belmont Club. When you face the unknown, don’t be too confident in your assumptions.
Meta vs Mega
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Green doesn’t have to be real, just a convincing simulation.
The Woke Marketplace
New at the Belmont Club. The market for infinitely valuable goods. When what is at stake is saving the world, no price is too high to pay.
Wanting To Be A Loser
My latest at PJMedia VIP. The kingdom of victims. All great empires fall from within.
And Lead Us Not To Disinformation
New at the Belmont Club. We must surrender our freedom so we don’t lose it.
Barack of Ages
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Converting the world to Woke. Has a pointless new colonialism started a new anti-colonialism?
Let the sunshine in
My latest at The Pipeline. Solar radiation management, AKA ‘blocking the sunlight’, is no longer the stuff of conspiracy. Once you start, can you stop?
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
New at the Belmont Club. Politicians as lords of innovation. They think they are in control.
We Are the Zombies
My latest at PJMedia VIP. What the billionaire survivalist islands really stand for: the Dark Tower against the village.
A movie without the nice suits
My latest at PJMedia VIP. We’ve gone from a society with different opinions to one with different sets of facts.
The MAGA vs Conspiracy Election
New at the Belmont Club. The institutions are in short-term survival mode. No one wants to think about the future.
Nice Olympus You’ve Got
New at the Belmont Club. To any sufficiently advanced technology “my truth” is indistinguishable from fact.
And the Band Played On
My latest at PJMedia VIP. The global world voyage, begun in a unipolar moment, is racing headlong into the unknown.
Alien vs Predator
New at the Belmont Club. Twitter vs Threads. The battle for your soul.
Changed Meanings
New at PJMedia VIP. Is race a proxy for likelihood to succeed? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
Who Guards the Guardians
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When politicians have a day job — and a night job — what’s the public to do?