CNN says his channel earned a strike under the platform’s policies, the company said Tuesday evening. Every breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeI’ll be watching you. That includes you also.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Suppose They Gave an Inauguration and Nobody Came?
Roger Simon writes: Don’t show up!When I say don’t show up, I mean really don’t show up.Don’t protest the inauguration in any way, not in Washington, not at your state house, nowhere. Ignore the whole thing.Don’t even watch the event on television or stream it on any of your devices. I suspect significantly fewer are …
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Uganda bans all social media ahead of election
Twitter outraged. “We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet,” it said in a statement.
An Ascendant Left Silences and Excludes Its Enemies
At least Weimar had the Great War as an excuse to fall apart. What alibi is there for the current moral collapse? The best show on television right now features a major city, the capital of an unsteady government, that is gradually being pulled apart by two competing political parties. The center can’t hold; it’s …
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Idaho internet company blocks Facebook, Twitter over ‘censorship’ |
That’s different! Or it? SPOKANE, Wash. — A North Idaho internet provider, Your T1 WIFI, confirmed it is blocking Facebook and Twitter from its WIFI service for some customers due to censorship claims.
Look Familiar?
Hard times need someone to blame. 2021 is likely to be a rough ride for countries all over the world. But it will be especially hard on those who have raised psychological expectations to an unreasonable degree. The dawn has broken so where’s the sunshine? The bad December job numbers are ominous. What happens if …
U.S. loses 140,000 jobs in first monthly loss since spring
George Friedman’s take on the number is that many businesses are permanently lightening ship. The economic damage is now long term. Those 140,000 cuts were made largely by businesses that have a profound understanding of the business they are in and of the appetite of their customers for what they sell. Most businesses have always …
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How We Went Back to the Middle Ages
We were warned in 2003 about the coming age of censorship. Today, when censorship is being advocated to counter ‘disinformation’ or the ‘Big Lie,’ it may be time to remember John Walker, the man who anticipated way back in 2003 that a digital imprimatur would be required to say anything substantial online. Walker was the …
Recipe for Gasoline
Nothing is less nonpartisan than a social media platform run by politicized CEOs. Yet social media platforms are precisely that: defined by their politics whether they be Facebook, Twitter, Parler or Gab. They are not ‘social media’ vehicles full of pictures of families having picnics or singing round campfires. They are places where activists call …
The Costs of Wading into Politics
One of the nice things about not being in politics is not being in politics. Make no enemies where you can make no friends. Like I said weeks ago, both sides are so evenly matched any clash will cause mutual damage. “The populist uprising is now objectively too powerful for progressives to crush. The left …
“We will have nothing left to open”
City hall can beat anyone except reality. “Who sent you?” (pause) “God.” (pause) “Never heard of Him.”
Twitter stock tumbles 10% after Trump is permanently banned from the platform | Business Insider
Even battleships take damage. The long term damage will be greater. There a certain powers which are tolerated on the tacit understanding that they will never be used, like authority to order a nuclear strike or the capacity to beat up one’s wife. Once this capability is used, whatever the justification, things are never the …
“Leaked Location Data Shows Another Muslim Prayer App Tracking Users”
Glad this doesn’t happen to anyone else. sees traffic surge
Expect this to be the next online battleground. Gab is an obvious target because of its politics and apparent technical competence. It’s not clear that fleeing to Gab is any more feasible than going to Parler. The same logic that closed the latter will apply to the former. If they can close Parler, they can …
As an Example to Others
The other places of digital refuge are no safer. This has been in the making since 2003. The dark night of fascism always looms on the right and happens from the left.
How concerned investors should be about Biden’s tax proposals
Technology down 9.2% Health care down 8.4% Communication services down 8.2% Consumer discretionary down 7.5% Financials down 6.5%
Why Has It Gone Haywire?
“Nobody has been dealt a tougher hand than Gavin Newsom,” Gray Davis, the former California Democratic governor who was recalled in 2003, said in an interview. “Look, I had the energy crisis and a recession. He has a pandemic we haven’t seen for 100 years. He has the fallout from that pandemic, racial injustice, wildfires, …
Yes I Can
It’s possible to be pretty well educated on very little money. Anyone with a little self discipline could have learned a lot at MIT. “Massachusetts Institute of Technology MOOCs. Browse free online courses in a variety of subjects. Massachusetts Institute of Technology courses found below can be audited free or students can choose to receive …
Building Alternatives is the Best Protest
From the privacy point of view the establishment is building a big digital prison. Don’t complain about being kicked off social media. Be glad it happened. The whole point of leaving bondage is not to wander in the desert but to enter into a promsed land. There’s got to be more to life than providing …
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If You’re Banned Have You Made It.?
Who was it who said “I would never join a social media site that would feature me as a member “?