Half a decade ago the trustees of the future were confidently planning the global tomorrow. Then pandemic, war and deglobalization covered the crystal ball with mystery. 2024 may reveal what’s ahead. My latest at The Pipeline.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Tomorrow Beats Today
New at the Belmont Club. Nothing is more real than the inevitable future. What’s going to happen is more important than what’s happening.
Endless Bummer
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When wars can be created but not destroyed.
Follow the Power
New at the Belmont Club: How Does One Decode the Strange Politics of Recent Years?
Ancient Regime
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Counting on a tomorrow that’s like yesterday. https://pjmedia.com/richard-fernandez/2024/01/04/living-in-the-past-n4925235
Judging Books By Their Covers
New at the Belmont Club. Crimes of Fashion. The media can make a star, but only God can make a gentleman.
Gate of Grief
New at the Belmont Club: America’s guarantee of the sea is challenged from ashore by someone Joe Biden wants to be his friend.
The State vs State of the Art
New at the Belmont Club. What will baby AI be when it grows up? Can bureaucrats regulate AI? Or are we doomed to race with China?
Confusion Abroad, Confusion at Home
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Joe Biden promised to return the world to the way it was and nothing was ever the same again.
The More Things Change …
My latest at The Pipeline. The bioengineering lengths to which environmentalists will go to keep the planet the way it is.
Crazy Is Real
New at the Belmont Club. We presume rational actors in a world that is often insane.
Whoops. Gone.
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When the Obama future becomes obsolete before it ever happens.
New at the Belmont Club: Joe Biden’s brave new world. Where am I?
Forever Wars
New at the Belmont Club. Military pointlessness is disproportionate.
The Siege of Gaza
New at the Belmont Club. Making war worse than it is.
Burning the Village in Order to Save It
My latest at the Pipeline. The worrying environmental impact of Green Energy.
The Mole Army vs the IDF
My latest at PJMedia VIP. A primer on tunnel warfare plus urban war. What the IDF will likely find in Gaza.
Hello Darkness My Old Pal
My latest at the Belmont Club. Biden’s plans falls apart just when he thought he had the answer.
Fecklessness is a Luxury Good
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Q: How do you say “thanks for $6 Billion” in Farsi? A: “Death to America!!!!”
No Real People Allowed
New at the Belmont Club. The public knows it’s an act but the show goes on.