My latest at PJMedia VIP. Joe Biden promised to return the world to the way it was and nothing was ever the same again.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
The More Things Change …
My latest at The Pipeline. The bioengineering lengths to which environmentalists will go to keep the planet the way it is.
Crazy Is Real
New at the Belmont Club. We presume rational actors in a world that is often insane.
Whoops. Gone.
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When the Obama future becomes obsolete before it ever happens.
New at the Belmont Club: Joe Biden’s brave new world. Where am I?
Forever Wars
New at the Belmont Club. Military pointlessness is disproportionate.
The Siege of Gaza
New at the Belmont Club. Making war worse than it is.
Burning the Village in Order to Save It
My latest at the Pipeline. The worrying environmental impact of Green Energy.
The Mole Army vs the IDF
My latest at PJMedia VIP. A primer on tunnel warfare plus urban war. What the IDF will likely find in Gaza.
Hello Darkness My Old Pal
My latest at the Belmont Club. Biden’s plans falls apart just when he thought he had the answer.
Fecklessness is a Luxury Good
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Q: How do you say “thanks for $6 Billion” in Farsi? A: “Death to America!!!!”
No Real People Allowed
New at the Belmont Club. The public knows it’s an act but the show goes on.
The Unelected Branch of Government
New at the Belmont Club. Solving the most complicated puzzle since the end of the Cold War in the capital of intrigue.
The Virtuous Corrupters
My latest at PJMedia VIP. When philanthropy becomes about lying in a good political cause, there is a price for everything and a value to nothing.
Entropy in Action
My latest at The Pipeline. Politics, not prosperity, is usual cause of environmental disaster striking communities.
Hail CEO or hail Caesar?
New at the Belmont Club. The new empires. What is 21st century greatness? The rivalry between America and China.
Mask Mandates and Covid-19
New at the Belmont Club. When you face the unknown, don’t be too confident in your assumptions.
Meta vs Mega
My latest at PJMedia VIP. Green doesn’t have to be real, just a convincing simulation.
The Woke Marketplace
New at the Belmont Club. The market for infinitely valuable goods. When what is at stake is saving the world, no price is too high to pay.
Wanting To Be A Loser
My latest at PJMedia VIP. The kingdom of victims. All great empires fall from within.