As the drafters of NEPA recognized, population growth has significant environmental impacts. In its complaint, the AGO argues that DHS and other federal officials did not provide environmental impact statements or environmental assessments when DHS abruptly halted ongoing border wall construction
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
The viral variants force a detour
New at the Belmont Club. No government plan survives contact with nature.
The era of the executive order
The progressive project to water down the Second Amendment, enact hate speech laws, change the voting rules, open the border and expand the Supreme Court are paradoxically a sign of weakness, not strength. It is frank admission that the old elites can no longer govern by the former rules and need new ones to maintain …
Rule by virtuous lie
I used to think there were subjects so important that public officials would never lie about them. Nuclear war for instance or an earth-wide pandemic. Then gradually it became clear that no one, not even politicians at the highest levels, consciously makes decisions about whether to tell the truth however important the matter.
Victory Unseen
New at the Belmont Club. Seabed warfare vs the Great Underwater Wall of China. Robots beneath the waves.
Human capital vs the virus
When the large scale history of the 2020 pandemic is written the key factor for success will turn out to be how well individual societies mobilized their human capital, not how ruthlessly they shut it down.
Fatal contradiction
New at the Belmont Club. The relationship between Washington’s desire for global leadership and the progressive project to reinterpret America.
The limits to canned answers
A Harvard study shows that meeting the Covid-19 pandemic required more than following conventional wisdom.
They don’t seem to be afraid
The Russians are pushing Biden in Ukraine.
China’s anschluss
HONG KONG (BLOOMBERG) – Chinese lawmakers plan to put fewer than 10 people – all chosen by national security officials – on a committee to vet any candidates for top elected positions in Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post reported. The report said vetting committee members would be chosen by Beijing’s National Security Office …
China vs Woke
New at the Belmont Club. How does the progressive project advance against China?
Those solar panels are ‘Made in China’
Washington mandates and China supplies.
Will Virtue Signaling reform the Nokor dynasty?
New at the Belmont Club. Frozen evil loosed upon a sensitive, Woke world. It looks funny but it has a power long forgotten.
What me? Worry?
Is climate change anxiety codespeak for ‘white fragility’ asks the Scientific American.
The new USS Langley?
Stealth destroyer gets turned into a floating command node. Unmanned vehicle doctrine is being tested by the fleet. PACFLEET Preparing for 2021 Unmanned Fleet Battle Problem.
How Cuomo and the Left conned each other
Progressive intellectuals explain how they could not see monsters in their own ranks because they were blinded by Donald Trump. The dazzle of Trump made them mistake Cuomo for a feminist hero.
Probing Biden’s front line
Biden’s foreign and domestic policy appears to consist largely of virtue signaling. Whether about the border with Mexico, Covid, murders in Georgia, Putin, Uighurs, Burma the signal contains a large measure of Wokeness. The question is whether the policy is all virtue signaling or whether there is something solid behind the appearance.
Our crisis of political belief
New at the Belmont Club. Clutching at reality. How epistemology became a modern political crisis.
Now for the October Revolution
“Now it’s the Left’s turn.” The radical Democrats make a play for power. Inevitably Biden will be the next target. Can a nonentity who was once Obama’s creature resist?
Hell is a place where nothing exists that we cannot conceive. It is a totally sterile place with no surprises and in Shannon’s sense no additional information. Safety is where we know all the outcomes and nothing unexpected happens. And nothing unexpected happens.