According to Caniglia v Strom, a lower court had previously determined that police confiscating the guns without a warrant fell under the Fourth Amendment’s “community caretaking” exception, but a 9-0 vote from the nation’s top court struck down that ruling.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
How many leftists would agree?
CNN has fired Adeel Raja, a freelance contributor, after he tweeted Sunday: ‘The world today needs a Hitler’ Daily Mail
Biden’s U.N. ambassador says the Palestinians and Israel should “avoid actions that undermine a peaceful future”
This includes avoiding incitement, violent attacks, and terrorist acts, as well as evictions – including in East Jerusalem – demolitions, and settlement construction east of the 1967 lines.
But with us it will be different
If identity politics is so good then why are its effects so destructive in the Middle East, among other places?
The price of media access in Gaza
From the Atlantic in 2014
The Marxist dog caught the car
Reaching to the future or living in the past?
Israel-Gaza: Conflict stalls Arab-Israeli rapprochement – BBC News
By its fruits shall you know the screwup.
To be decided on points
The Israelis are using ultra-precision warheads that can approximate the effect of controlled demolitions. What additional options does it give them?
Open question
Why would it be OK to demand proof of your health record on entering a store but not of identity when voting? What’s the governing principle?
Prominent scientists urge open mind
A group of 18 scientists stated Thursday in a letter published in the journal Science that there is not enough evidence to decide whether a natural origin or an accidental laboratory leak caused the Covid-19 pandemic. NYT
Focus on China, not Hamas
The real price of Biden’s policy in the Middle East, which has resulted in new war in an area recently gone quiet, is that it complicates a strategic withdrawal from the region in order to pivot towards China. Facing a near peer rival, as the British empire discovered, requires ditching imperial baggage to focus on …
Shootings rise in Gotham; virus blamed
The coronavirus creates gun violence in New York City. Experts search for answers.
The two-edged Colonial ransom payment
Colonial pipeline ransom payment gives Biden instant relief but long term headaches.
2020: the election that refuses to go away
Rockets fired at Israel from Syria, Lebanon
Light volume of fire for now but watch this space.
This wasn’t supposed to happen
New at the Belmont Club. If problems come at you fast is it bad luck?
Unless you submit to climate justice
Our dire dietary prospects.
Experts surprised by unpredictable virus
Covid didn’t spread where it was expected to. Public health needs better tracking data to hit a moving virus.
A tale of 2 systems
The system on the left has more information.