US Roman Catholic bishops agreed on Friday to draft a statement on the meaning of holy communion which could potentially be used to deny the sacred rite to President Joe Biden because of his position on abortion.
Author Archives: Richard Fernandez
Air raid sirens over Israel
The truce is over. Raise your hands, everyone who knew it wouldn’t last.
The apple of discord splits Green warriors
Was it a golden apple
A legacy of ashes
Dang. We counted on the only adults in the room to think for us. How did they get it so wrong?
The last illusions vanish
According to local media, Hong Kong police on Thursday conducted a raid on the office of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, where they seized reporting materials. Five executives have been arrested, including editor-in-chief Ryan Law, for alleged collusion and suspected contravention of the national security law in relation to articles published allegedly calling for sanctions to …
The Green is Red paradox
Averting climate change could turn on whether the solar-panel industry can become less dependent on Xinjiang and still keep up supply of a vital raw material.
Reading the summit body language
If Joe had just cleaned Putin’s clock he wouldn’t have been so testy. Biden probably read Vladimir the riot act and either the Russian leader: sat in stony silence shrugged flatly refused laughed The probability he said “By gum you’re right Joe” is low.
How leftist politics became religion
If religion gives meaning to the lives of the faithful, there are a lot more Americans now who lack that meaning than there used to be, and they’re concentrated on the left side of the political spectrum. It’s not difficult to imagine these people seeking the kind of meaning that religion would otherwise have provided …
Bad luck
Heavy weather ahead
Despite the soothing assurances that the global rule based ship is better than ever it is clearly taking in water. All the happy talk about Climate Change can’t conceal the fact that China has run up the Jolly Mao Roger and Russia has not been brought to bay. The globalist ship is in trouble. Leave …
Just suppose
U.S. President Joe Biden asked Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday how he would feel if someone carried out a ransomware attack on Russian oil pipelines … While saying he had not made any threats to Putin in their talks, which a senior U.S. official said had lasted about three hours, Biden said he had …
“Would you rather that your children were literate, numerate, or curious?” Pick one, and why?
He’s not Cornpop
Gas Is So Scarce in Europe That Coal Is Making a Comeback – Bloomberg
Europe is so short of natural gas that the continent — usually seen as the poster child for the global fight against emissions — is turning to coal to meet electricity demand that is now back to pre-pandemic levels.
Nuclear Operator Warns U.S. of Imminent Radiological Threat in China – PJ Media
Nothing to worry about says Biden. The French operator just needs help.
Roger Waters Rejects Facebook Offer to Use ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ – Rolling Stone
Don McLean recuts American Pie
With acapella group Home Free
Biden hurls his defiance at China. Sorta
New at the Belmont Club. Wolf versus Woke: the new Cold War.
Green Woke vs Wolf Diplomacy
The communiqué issued on Sunday fleshed out some of the proposals that have dominated the summit and was explicit in the need to counter the rise of China. “Three years ago, China wasn’t even mentioned in the G7 communiqué,” according to an administration official who briefed reporters on its contents. “This year, there is a …
Is power self-legitimizing?
Robinson raises the question of election. An administration’s actual legitimacy may be grounded in such demonstrations of bureaucratic power as gaining the acclaim of institutions. ‘We are in power because we can enforce possession’ may be immoral but enforceable. Even assuming a candidate cheated in an election his ability to get away with it would …