Is Putin selling Maduro out to hold on in Venezuela?

Some analysts think that the two heavyweight countries might be coming to some kind of deal over Maduro’s potential departure.
”(There’s) little doubt in my mind that the Russians and the U.S. have been talking for weeks about some kind of deal to ease Maduro out of office,” Timothy Ash, a senior emerging markets strategist at Bluebay Asset Management, said in a note Wednesday.
He said several factors led his to this conclusion — firstly, that Moscow had gained leverage to negotiate with the U.S. by sending military advisers to Caracas and, secondly, that President Trump had so far not signed off on new sanctions on Russia for its alleged use of a chemical weapon following the nerve agent poisoning of former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, in the U.K. in 2018.


Putin is on the ropes even if the US has so far not landed the knockout. Rubio is throwing the fence sitters off the rail by exposing the double crossers.

Maduro & Cubans know @MaikelMorenoTSJ was plotting against #MaduroRegime. Strong indications he will try to save himself by issuing an arrest warrant for @jguaido.

Marco Rubio on Twitter

Maduro says he investigating who was behind today’s military uprising. Won’t have to look very far. 4 of them were sitting with him at the conference table when he said that.

Marco Rubio on Twitter