“The Federal Government Can Afford Anything.” True or false?

REP. JOHN YARMUTH: The number itself is meaningless. I mean, I read Joe Manchin’s statement, I’ve listened to him, he has no understanding of how the federal government monetary system works when he compared it yesterday to his household income, that has no relevance to what we can do.

It’s not a question of what we can afford. The federal government can afford anything that it feels it needs to do and right now that’s what we ought to be focused on. So that’s kind of the position I took in the budget committee, that’s the position I will take going forward


Jordan Peterson argued that “you can’t twist the fabric of reality without it snapping back. You never get away with anything.” Maybe the only reason Peterson believes this is because he hasn’t noticed those who successfully cheated.

The idea that we can create value merely by assertion seems like a textbook case of twisting reality. However NOT to believe it when all the bigwigs insist it’s true marks you, not them, as crazy.