Let Me Go Back To Sleep

New at the Belmont Club. The cruel disappointment you feel when you view the world through the window rather than the TV screen.

The Modern World Vs Hezbollah

New at PJMedia VIP. Hezbollah learns that you can’t live in someone else’s civilization with impunity. But will the West realize that when the world one makes determines survival, the culture which defines it is supremely important?

Referendum on Civilization

My latest at the Belmont Club. After the USSR collapsed in 1989, the progressives turned their efforts to taking over the institutions of the West. To their surprise resistance to their coup has emerged. Who and what is forcing a showdown?

“We’re Not Going Back”

My latest at PJMedia VIP. Is today the “hinge of history” where activists have a right, indeed a duty to do extraordinary things, act with unlimited license, attempt unprecedented transformations because the future depends specially on them?

Can We Handle the Truth?

My latest at the Belmont Club. When fantasy has a price. How pretending to be Green made Europe vulnerable to red, red war.

The Black Gate Opens

My latest on PJMedia VIP. The credibility of the media is a function of the credibility of the system, whose spokesmen they are. So the fundamental credibility problem is not with the Mouth of Sauron, but Sauron himself.

The Elements Clash

My latest at the Belmont Club. A ringside seat to drama. Miraculous misfortune versus miraculous fortune.

Big Brother Vs Goldstein

My latest at PJMedia VIP. The rise of virtual politics. No human candidates are required for an election between two ideas, both characterized by the same media outlets.

The Old Order Fadeth

New at the Belmont Club. All over the Western world the status quo is being challenged. A countdown clock has started. We must adapt or face disaster.


My latest at PJMedia VIP. Suddenly the public has discovered that the President is missing, substantively speaking. With the chief missing, the race between those who would replace him and foes who would seize their chance is on.

Regulating the Future

My latest at PJMedia VIP. The way of the frontier. First come the explorers. Then comes the sheriff.

The Slow Collapse of Hamas’ Plan A

My latest at the Belmont Club. Hiding hostages behind layers of civilian human shields doesn’t always work. When the raiders have information superiority you will need a Plan B.

Getting Fixed, Not Even

My latest at PJMedia VIP. Why accountability is not the same as revenge and why “moving on” doesn’t take you to the future but mostly to a repeat the past.

Civil War in the 21st Century

My latest at the Belmont Club. When two groups decide to divorce they build increasingly separate lives. Although competition will predominate, conflict is also inevitable because of the winner take all nature of the game.

The Certitude of True Believers

My latest at PJMedia VIP. Activists who would change the world want history’s approval in advance. Alas, sometimes history has other ideas.

AI to the Rescue

My latest at The Pipeline. What’s the difference between modifying the climate to make war and geoengineering to save the planet? AI and good intentions.

Religion in Disguise

My latest at the Belmont Club. How a 19th century theory that failed in economics returned as a 21st century theory of everything.

Don’t Run Too Far, Reb.

My latest at PJMedia VIP. A cold civil war where the hated Other still needs to pay his taxes.

Avoiding Catastrophe

My latest at the Belmont Club. You don’t walk but stumble into conflict.